Skincare hack or hack skincare? Our medically fact-checked articles explain skincare treatments like chemical exfoliation, light therapy, and more.
We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
Dermatology providers explain which tools and techniques you can safely use for DIY dermaplaning.
Short answer: yes! But they don’t work their magic alone.
Many people stop using tretinoin when their skin clears. Here’s what can happen next.
Discover proven strategies to accelerate your hair growth naturally.
If you’re dealing with hair loss, either of these medications may be a great option for you.
Here’s how you can set your expectations for results when using this hair loss medication.
This type of exfoliation can reveal smoother and brighter-appearing skin—but will it trigger breakouts? What you need to know.
Dermatology providers share exfoliation advice for every skin type.
Not only is it a popular spice in many cuisines around the world—it may also be used in skincare.
Spoiler alert: No! But it can be effective for other skin conditions.
Hint: It depends on your skin type.
Dermatology experts share what you need to know about blackheads and how to effectively treat them.