We’re here to tell you what we know, but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider about your specific health concerns.
It’s just one of the ways we make it easy to get the products that work for your unique skin.
Get the lowdown on this ingredient, straight from the experts.
Spoiler: It may not be the best choice for dry skin.
Which of these ingredients works best for hyperpigmentation? Curology’s dermatology providers explain.
This prescription ingredient is used to treat conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis.
They may be convenient and portable—but powder sunscreens have their downsides.
These chemical exfoliants may help you to achieve your skincare goals—when used correctly.
Maintain your facial hair the right way, and your skin will thank you!
This treatment, known commercially as Aklief, fights acne on the face and body. Here’s how it works.
This in-office treatment may help with persistent acne.
How to treat and prevent “blind pimples”—aka, cystic acne.
This ingredient has a whole host of potential skin benefits.
The pros share effective remedies for nourishing your skin and keeping it moisturized.